To my surprise (and excitement), starting on Monday, VH1 will be having a ANTM marathon. That's nothing out of the ordinary because they always show marathons. The great thing is that they're starting from the beginning. That's right. They are showing cycles 1-9 and the marathon's going to last the whole week.
I'm sure most people could care less, but Em and I have seen all of the cycles and talk about it often. I've been trying to call her to share the news, but haven't been able to get ahold of her.
**Emily, where are you? Is this not exciting???***
How many hours did you watch today?
I got this message from a friend of mine in Sacramento...
(copy & paste link)
"OK so now do you have your cable? Because this starts tonight and I guess based on this article there is a girl from Lexington who will be competing. How is that for synergy
I love it when these are on. The best part is that the early seasons had no budget, if you look at the set, you can see how the budget has gone up and up each season. But why have the prizes for the models gotten worse and more commercial?
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