Well, it's official....this year's Christmas was great!
I had a wonderful time spending quality time with family and friends this year. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and this year was not a disappointment.
In two out of the three families this year, we decided that we were just going to write our name and a list of things we would like for Christmas this year. Everyone put their card in a hat and we drew names one by one. We set a $ limit and went shopping based on what the person asked for. It takes off so much stress and I just love it! I'd recommend it to any family.
Christmas happened so fast that it didn't give me time to reflect on the wonderful gifts I was given this year. This is by no means for me to gloat, I just wanted to be thankful for the amazing things that were given to me that I by no means deserve. I can't list everything because that would take too much time so I'll hit the highlights (and they are in particular order).
In November, Jen took me to see Paula Deen in Louisville. We had AMAZING seats and we had such a full night of adventure. I had a blast with her and it was a perfect gift!!!
Mark's mom had my name this year and got me a gift certificate for a massage!!! I'm gonna cash that in as soon as possible! (Little known fact...I have never gone to get a massage before).
Mark gave me the money to go pick out a Kitchen Aid mixer of my choice. I told him not to get me anything, but he did anyway. He had been saving to get me one because he knows how long I've had my eye on a mixer! This is the one I'm gonna get.
My mom had my name this year and got me The Office Season 3. I love it and have already enjoyed reliving episodes. As a bonus, there's a gag real, over 3 hours of deleted scenes, and a Dwight Schrute music video.

Bengals stuff. I got A LOT of it. And you better believe I loved every bit of it. I got socks, pajama pants, a new sweatshirt, a hat, a blanket (from one of my students) and even a snowman decked out in Bengals gear (we named him T.J.). I thought about wearing each item all at once, but decided against it. It was fabulous even if the Bengals' record this year is not.
And finally, from Mark, Em, and Chris I received one of the best weekends of my life. As previously blogged, we went to Natural Bridge for the weekend and we had a great time! It was a great time to be around people I truly love and I think that's one of the greatest parts of Christmas.
As I said, I got talk about everything I got, but that would take forever. I'm grateful for everything down to the cheese spreaders I got. I am so thankful for such wonderful friends and family and most importantly, a Savior that came to this earth for us. Without Him, this holiday would be empty and meaningless.
I had a wonderful time spending quality time with family and friends this year. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and this year was not a disappointment.
In two out of the three families this year, we decided that we were just going to write our name and a list of things we would like for Christmas this year. Everyone put their card in a hat and we drew names one by one. We set a $ limit and went shopping based on what the person asked for. It takes off so much stress and I just love it! I'd recommend it to any family.
Christmas happened so fast that it didn't give me time to reflect on the wonderful gifts I was given this year. This is by no means for me to gloat, I just wanted to be thankful for the amazing things that were given to me that I by no means deserve. I can't list everything because that would take too much time so I'll hit the highlights (and they are in particular order).

Bengals stuff. I got A LOT of it. And you better believe I loved every bit of it. I got socks, pajama pants, a new sweatshirt, a hat, a blanket (from one of my students) and even a snowman decked out in Bengals gear (we named him T.J.). I thought about wearing each item all at once, but decided against it. It was fabulous even if the Bengals' record this year is not.

As I said, I got talk about everything I got, but that would take forever. I'm grateful for everything down to the cheese spreaders I got. I am so thankful for such wonderful friends and family and most importantly, a Savior that came to this earth for us. Without Him, this holiday would be empty and meaningless.
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