Sunday, December 16, 2007

Retail Therapy

Overall, my day was pretty tough yesterday. I was very frustrated with some stuff going on and I was in the need of some retail therapy.

Jen, Em, and I went shopping. We went to find some trinkets at Jo-Ann's and Deals for our classrooms (minus Jen) and then, stupidly, went to the mall.

We all loathe the mall on Saturdays because of the out-of-county shoppers that invade the mall (granted I know I live in Scott Co., but I'm a Fayette Co. native originally).

This is basically what the trip entailed: Us avoiding those incessant kiosk sellers, doing a small amount of browsing, standing in line FOREVER for food, Em on the verge of roundhousing everyone in a 10 yard vicinty of her, me venting my frustration about a man next to me in line only to see that he was sitting at the table next to me and heard the whole thing (lesson learned), and running into Scott and Lea Morgan on the way out (as well as their friend who was on the interviewing committee of a job I didn't get...twice. Awkward!)

We spent the rest of night becoming frustrated with the Bengals, watching the same episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8, watching a marathon of ANTM, and introducing The Sweetest Thing to Jen.

I love my girls and the day would have been much more difficult (and uneventful) without them.

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