Sunday, November 4, 2007

Here comes the holidays...

So...I saw my very first holiday commercial yesterday evening and my heart skipped a beat. I absolutely love the holidays and ever since Halloween came around, the stores have started stockpiling Christmas decorations. This is wonderful and horrible at the same time.

I have had to try my hardest to resist the urge to buy every little snowman around. Something about the holidays always gets me nostalgic. I just love to get together with the family, eat some big meals, share in memories. I'm really lacking the words right now to express how much I love it. And don't get me wrong, it's not just Christmas (although that is by FAR my favorite), but it goes from the first leaf that changes color to start the season of fall until January 2nd.

Halloween was a blast (pictures to come) and now I'm geared up for Thanksgiving. We've started all the talk of the Native Americans and Pilgrims at school. But the other day, Mark and I were grocery shopping when I came upon.....

EGG NOG! Either you love it or hate it...and I LOVE IT!!!! It is the liquid bliss that holds in it all of my emotions and memories of all the holidays of past and future. It brings me to a happy place every time I have some and the first carton of the season is always a momentous occasion for me.

I begged Mark for some, but he fought me on it debating that it was simply too early to buy egg nog. I conceded after the agreement that I could buy my first batch the day after Thanksgiving. I was a bit defeated, but I know that if I start the holiday festivities too early, Mark always burns out. So, trying to keep the holiday spirit alive, we proceeded through the rest of our shopping.

When we got to the checkout, Mark told me to help get the items out of the cart. As I was doing so, I saw the most beautiful sight....a carton of egg nog. Mark had snuck it in the cart long before our egg nog argument when I was talking to a former co-worker!!! He knew I'd be ecstatic and I was! I was so excited. I opened it as soon as I had a chance and Mark and I shared our first drinks of the holiday. Fabulous!

I digress, but all in all, I'm excited about the holidays and I know this year's going to be great!

Also, check this thing out.

It's an egg nog fountain! I'm thinking maybe I could rig one up for this year's Christmas party!

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