Friday, July 9, 2010

A Gorgeous Gal

I am proud to introduce to the world my beautiful baby niece, Noa Grace!

Isn't she just perfect in every way???

I am a glowing aunt!!!

Since she was born in CA, it will be some time before I'm able to meet her face to face, but I can't wait to see her and kiss those sweet little cheeks! I haven't been able to stop staring at the picture since I got it. What can I say, she's a Bennett!

You can be sure I'll add plenty more pictures as I get them!


Emily H. said...


Did Amy have a ton of heartburn? If so, then I can hold out hope for hair.

Maria said...

E- Yes, she did. She said that orange juice helped with the heartburn. Meant to tell you that.

Nicole-Thanks! She reminds me so much of what little Bailey looked like when she was born! All that hair!