A few years ago, in an effort to save some money but still make a meaningful gift, I continued this tradition with my only family. Not sure how much money it really saves because I like to get elaborate and those ingredients can add up. However, I still like to think that I'm saving some money.
After 6 hours of baking, a slight sugar coma, and a very sore back (I sound old), this is what I got as a result:
It's a Rolo melted on a pretzel with a pecan on top. Yum! I could pop these all day!
(My only GF endeavor, although they are probably way too cross contaminated at that point to be considered GF)
Russian Tea Cakes
These cookies were one of my favorites as a kid. They actually take a very delicate hand.
Eggnog Snickerdoodles
Filled up all of my tins so they will be ready to pass out. I got two sizes of tins. These are the smaller ones, but they still held quite a bit.
Finished product!
I don't know how my mom got a lot of her tins back, but I'd love to know the secret. My neighbors always give them back though!
I absolutely love our little family of 3 (counting Guinness), but during the holidays, I always look forward to the excitement that comes with having kids during the holidays. I cannot wait for the day when we grow our family so that they can help make cookies with me at Christmas time and hopefully enjoy this tradition of the holidays as much as I do.
What kinds of traditions are you carrying on with your own family?
I absolutely love our little family of 3 (counting Guinness), but during the holidays, I always look forward to the excitement that comes with having kids during the holidays. I cannot wait for the day when we grow our family so that they can help make cookies with me at Christmas time and hopefully enjoy this tradition of the holidays as much as I do.
What kinds of traditions are you carrying on with your own family?